I got a terabyte drive for Christmas. A Western Digital My Book, USB 2.0 external drive.
The first thing I did is move all my music on to it and make it the source for the SlimServer software that drives the Squeezebox.
Also got it set up as backup for the local systems. I run the free version of SyncBack for the moment. May switch to the pay version, it has some more options. I'm looking for a good three-way sync program. I'd like to sync up the My Documents tree between the laptop, the work home desktop, and the external terabyte drive.
Good 3-way sync proggie:
Investigate BeInSync
Thanks. I knew you'd have a recommendation.
hehehe... Well, I've not used yet myself, but I've had a good discussion on my blog over online backup programs lately. The CEO of Carbonite joined me, as did the founder of Mozy. Had a lot of people contact my editor and ask for my phone number even. There was my fifteen minutes.
Anyway, the recommendation for BeInSync rose out of that.
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