Monday, January 14, 2008

First of the flooring projects

Click here to see animated sequence of the exciting tile process!

I got started on the upstairs flooring last weekend. Installed ceramic tile in the hall bathroom. It had some cheap, ugly vinyl flooring that was poorly installed and was badly marred. But other than that it was fine. (grin).

The room is only about 7 feet by 5 feet including the vanity but not including the tub. Something just over 30 square feet of actual floor to be done.

It took me one Saturday to take out the toilet, rip up the loose vinyl enough to be level and install Hardibacker. Then Sunday afternoon to do a dry-layout and install the tiles in the center. I worked from the doorway back because I wanted a clean "factory edge" at the doorway. That left nearly a full tile at the tub. Weekend number 2 Saturday to finish laying the tiles, these all needed cutting. I also did a tile "baseboard" all around the room except in front of the tub. Finally, a couple of hours on Sunday to grout.

Still to be done are the toilet re-install and vinyl strip down at the tub. Oh, and seal the grout in a couple of weeks.

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