Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 1 to 4 Teaching class in Melbourne

From Monday through Thursday I taught a about some of our software products. I had a co-instructor for this run, someone with more experience with the main subject of the class than I have had. It was a nice, small class of eight students. All very involved and asking good questions.

And that's about it. Really. Here I am in Melbourne, Australia for the first, possibly only time. What do I see? Hm... The hotel, one block walk to the office, a food court where we eat lunch, the conference room where we do the class, and a handful of restaurants. When I have the chance on these trips, I'll stay in the city for a weekend to get a chance to see some sights. But for this one, we're booked on a flight to Sydney Thursday night so we can do customer visits there on Friday. Melbourne looks like a really nice place, though. I hope I get back some day.

Couple of pictures. The top one is a nice sunrise out the hotel window, which is where I took almost all my pictures in Melbourne. Hot air balloons seem to be a popular advertising medium. Several would drift across the city early in the morning. I'd see them out my hotel window. I guess they were advertising.

September 1 is the official first day of spring in Australia. No worrying about the equinoxes for them. The park that our classroom/conference room overlooked has trees planted in the shape of the Union Jack. All done back when they were a colony, of course. You can make out sort of part of it in the picture. It's the trees that haven't yet leafed out.

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