Thursday, October 11, 2007

Last full day in Sydney

It's 7:30am on Friday Oct 12 in Sydney as I write this. This will be my last full day in Sydney. Flight to Beijing is at 10am tomorrow morning.

My work week here consisted of doing a 90-minute presentation on Tuesday followed by an all-day training on Wednesday. The software for the Wednesday training was loaded into a virtual machine. And when I checked it out on Tuesday it was completely fubar. The person who normally does training on this software was in Amsterdam this week. When it hit daylight there we started in trying to fix the problem. It took until 11pm to resolve the issue. For a while there it was looking pretty tense. The training went off pretty well.

Yesterday was the turn of my two colleagues to take over the training. I camped out in a cubicle at the office to fix up some very out of date material that I'll be using in the Beijing training next week.

The week hasn't been very adventurous. Dinner twice in the hotel restaurant. I had kangaroo. Rather like slightly lean beef. So now I've seen a kangaroo in Australia, cooked medium rare. We went into the city with one of the locals one night for dinner at a Lebanese restaurant named Habibi's. Excellent food there. And dinner last night was at a nearby restaurant named Basil's. The food was very good but it was a bit of an odd place. It claimed to be Italian but the menu was 90% seafood and the staff was all Chinese or Japanese.

My two colleagues aren't flying to China until Sunday so they will be moving to a downtown hotel this evening. It's not worth the trouble for me. I'll probably cab into the city with them and have dinner. We've got some sorting out to do for the training next week that is best done over a couple of bottles of wine.

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