Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Outsourced customer service experience

Nothing big or new or particularly surprising... but...

The hotel clerk in Paris somehow mangled the mag stripe my corporate AmEx card. When I got back home I called AmEx for a replacement card.

My first attempt got me to someone with a strong Indian accent and speech patterns. When I told her what I wanted her response was "I would be most happy to be fulfilling your request but right now our computer systems are updating. If you could call back in half an hour we could easily help you.".

I'm thinking "yeah, right. You don't have a script for this one and you know that if I call back even in 30 seconds it will be somebody else's problem.". So I said thanks and hung up.

Dialed again immediately and got thru to a different person who this time sounded like a native English speaker. Made my request, the card's in the mail, done in 30 seconds.


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