So here we are after the huge backyard landscaping project. We had this work done and boy are we glad we didn't attempt it ourselves.
Prior to the start of this, there was an ugly concrete "brick" retaining wall across part of the yard. That's now gone. There were two large areas where Bermuda grass had been allowed to grow over gravel, one from a giant play-set, one from an above-ground pool. The pool and play-set are long gone, now the gravel that was under them is also gone with new St. Augustine sod laid down.
There wasn't a single plant anywhere in the back yard. Now we've got somewhere around 200 plants in six beds. Three beds, each between 15 and 20 feet long are along the edge of the patio. Two beds about 20 to 25 feet long run along the side fences. And one bed runs the entire length of the back fence, about 70 to 75 feet.
Pictures from top to bottom are:
- Looking along the length of the patio. Foreground right is the old dining set, soon to be replaced.
- View of the large seating area, opposite end of the patio from pic above. New furniture here, most of it covered up. I'm going to build about a 16-ft square pergola over that area to help with the sun. The back of the house faces south-east so it gets a lot of morning to afternoon sun.
- Essentially same view as the one above but pulled back to show one of the side beds. The lighter green grass is all new (and thirsty!). You can see how the yard slopes down in this shot.
- View down the length of the back bed. This bed is somewhere between 70 and 75 feet long. You can see some tiny colored flags and a line of dead grass out in front of the bed. that's where one of the sprinkler lines was put in. The area in front of this bed (to the left in the picture) gets swampy when we get our normal heavy spring rains. We're planning to put in a dry creek bed meandering through there to hold the water and break up things a bit.
- Not a very good shot but this is, obviously, looking back at the house and patio from out in the hard. Perspective is odd because I'm down at the bottom of the slope looking up.