Not a whole lot going on here since I returned from the last trip. No travel planned for the remainder of 2007. Not sure what 2008 will bring but unlikely to be as much travel as this year.
Tucker has settled in to home life very quickly. Since he showed no interest in the cat, we went ahead and taught him to negotiate the stairs. Less difficult with him than it was with Gert. At first Gert wanted to leap down from the landing, he didn't show any signs of that. We crated him at night the first week or so and crated him when we left the house until just a couple of days ago. We're still being more careful to get him enough potty breaks to the back yard than we have to with Gert. We've had a couple of "accidents" but nothing tragic and no repeats in the last 10 days or so.
Not much conflict between the two of them. They sleep at night on beds in our bedroom. There was a bit of a skirmish over that. Gert has been sleeping on a smaller bed for the last year. When I went to get one like it for Tucker they didn't have anything the same size. Since he's a big dog, I ended up getting this huge round bed (5-feet across). Gert immediately glommed onto that as hers. She barked at Tucker once and growled at him if he got too close to it. Tucker, for his part, wouldn't use and didn't really fit in Gert's old bed. So I went ahead and bought a second bed identical to the new one. Good thing we have a huge master bedroom!
I finally got to see Gert really open up and run flat out! She's fast!! There's a new dog park near us so we try to get them over there regularly for some socializing and exercise beyond their daily walks. A couple of days ago I was there with them when a guy with a pair of boxers showed up. Gert and the male boxer had great fun running and chasing. Then Gert decided to really run. She kind of hunkered down and launched herself off into a top speed lap around the park. The boxer just stood and watched, no way he could even come close to keeping up.
All the dogs that show up at the dog park are Gert's friends. Tucker is still a little overwhelmed by it. Since greyhounds spend their whole racing life only around other greyhounds, we're not sure if he has figured out what kind of creatures the other dogs are. He trots about a little bit, sort of tagging after Gert.
Oh, and he's also showing signs of having been mistreated. He is very wary of men and startles away when anything is thrown. There have been a couple of times where other dog owners were throwing frisbees. Gert would happily run after the frisbee or after the other dogs chasing the frisbee. But Tucker would bolt off in a different direction at each throw. One of our previous dogs, Zoe, had a similar fear. It took a couple of years before she got over it. Sigh...